Source code for gepyto.db.index

# Methods build generic indices for text files containing genomic coordinates.
# This file is part of gepyto.
# This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
# 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
# or send a letter to Creative
# Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.

__author__ = "Marc-Andre Legault"
__copyright__ = ("Copyright 2014 Marc-Andre Legault and Louis-Philippe "
                 "Lemieux Perreault. All rights reserved.")
__license__ = "Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)"

    import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
    import pickle

import bisect
import logging
import re
import os
import functools

import numpy as np

MAGIC_NUMBER = 10 ** 9  # This should be larger than any indexed position.

class EndOfFile(Exception):

class ChromosomeNotIndexed(Exception):

def _get_locus(line, chrom_col, pos_col, delimiter):
    if not line:
        raise EndOfFile()

    line = line.rstrip().split(delimiter)

    chrom = line[chrom_col]
    if chrom.startswith("chr"):
        chrom = chrom[3:]
    pos = int(line[pos_col])

    return chrom, pos

[docs]def build_index(fn, chrom_col, pos_col, delimiter='\t', skip_lines=0, index_rate=0.2, ignore_startswith=None): """Build a index for the given file. :param fn: The filename :type fn: str :param chrom_col: The column representing the chromosome (0 based). :type chrom_col: int :param pos_col: The column for the position on the chromosome (0 based). :type pos_col: int :param delimiter: The delimiter for the columns (default tab). :type delimiter: str :param skip_lines: Number of header lines to skip. :type skip_lines: int :param index_rate: The approximate rate of line indexing. As an example, a file with 1000 lines and the default index_rate of 0.2 will have an index with ~200 entries. :type index_rate: float :param ignore_startswith: Ignore lines that start with a given string. This can be used to skip headers, but will not be used to parse the rest of the file. :type ignore_startswith: str :returns: The index filename. :rtype: str """ assert chrom_col != pos_col idx_fn = _get_index_fn(fn) size = os.path.getsize(fn) # Total filesize start = 0 # Byte position of the meat of the file (data). with open(fn, "r") as f: if skip_lines > 0: for i in range(skip_lines): # Skip header lines if needed. f.readline() current_position = f.tell() # Skip the lines that start with the user provided string. if ignore_startswith is not None: line = f.readline() while line.startswith(ignore_startswith): current_position = f.tell() line = f.readline() start = f.tell() size -= start # Adjust file size to remove header. # Estimate the line length using first 100 lines line_length = np.empty((100)) prev = start # We take 100 sample positions in the file. for i, jump in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 0.9 * size, 100)): + int(jump)) f.readline() # Throw away chunk. line_start = f.tell() f.readline() line_length[i] = f.tell() - line_start line_length = np.mean(line_length) approx_num_lines = size / line_length # Go back to start # Prepare the variables to keep track of the position encoding. encoding = { "current_key": 0, "chromosomes": {} } index = [] # List of (code, seek) tuples. def encode_locus(chrom, pos): chrom = str(chrom) if chrom not in encoding["chromosomes"]: encoding["current_key"] += 1 encoding["chromosomes"][chrom] = encoding["current_key"] return encoding["chromosomes"][chrom] * MAGIC_NUMBER + pos # Bind some parameters so that function calls look nicer. get_locus = functools.partial( _get_locus, chrom_col=chrom_col, pos_col=pos_col, delimiter=delimiter ) # Add the first line to the index. chrom1, pos1 = get_locus(f.readline()) index.append((encode_locus(chrom1, pos1), start)) # Compute the seek jump size. target_num_lines = index_rate * approx_num_lines seek_jump = size / target_num_lines # We start indexing here. current_position = f.tell() if index_rate == 1: logging.debug("Full indexing mode.") tell = f.tell() line = f.readline() while line: chrom, pos = get_locus(line) code = encode_locus(chrom, pos) if index[-1][0] > code: raise Exception("This file is not sorted.") elif index[-1][0] == code: pass else: index.append((code, tell)) tell = f.tell() line = f.readline() else: logging.debug("Sparse indexing mode.") while current_position + seek_jump < size + start: # Jump in the file. + seek_jump) # Throw away partial line. f.readline() # We need to make sure this is a unique line. try: cur_chrom, cur_pos = get_locus(f.readline()) tell = f.tell() next_chrom, next_pos = get_locus(f.readline()) while next_chrom == cur_chrom and next_pos == cur_pos: tell = f.tell() next_chrom, next_pos = get_locus(f.readline()) # We found "new" content. # First we make sure that the file looks sorted. Then, we # index it. code = encode_locus(next_chrom, next_pos) if index[-1][0] > code: raise Exception("This file is not sorted.") index.append((code, tell)) current_position = tell except EndOfFile: break # Reached the end of the file. index = np.array(index) # Create a dict containing the relevant information to be able to find the # chromosome and position columns. info = {"chrom_col": chrom_col, "pos_col": pos_col, "delimiter": delimiter, "chrom_codes": encoding["chromosomes"]} pickle_string = pickle.dumps(info) # Write the index pickle (and numpy matrix). with open(idx_fn, "wb") as f: f.write(pickle_string), index) return idx_fn
[docs]def get_index(fn): """Restores the index for a given file or builds it if the index was not previously created. :param fn: The filname of the file to index. :type fn: str :returns: The numpy array representing the actual index. :rtype: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` """ # Read the information pickle part. # We use the numpy format definition to know when to stop: # indexed_filename = fn fn = _get_index_fn(indexed_filename) with open(fn, "rb") as f: i = 0 chunk = None while chunk != b"\x93NUMPY": chunk = if not chunk: raise Exception("Invalid format for the index.") i += 1 pickle_length = f.tell() - 6 info = pickle.loads( index = np.load(f) # This is a class that will behave like the (info, index) tuple. # It is only used to make it printing the index object prettier. class Index(object): def __init__(self, info, index, filename): self.filename = filename = info self.index = index def __getitem__(self, key): if key == 0: return elif key == 1: return self.index else: raise IndexError() def __iter__(self): return (i for i in (, self.index)) def __repr__(self): return "<{} object for file '{}'>".format(self.__class__.__name__, indexed_filename) return Index(info, index, fn)
[docs]def goto(f, index, chrom, pos): """Given a file, a locus and the index, go to the genomic coordinates. :param f: An open file. :type f: file :param index: This is actually a tuple. The first element is an information dict containing the delimiter, chromosome column and position column. The second element is a numpy matrix containing the encoded loci and the "tell" positions. :param index: tuple :param chrom: The queried chromosome. :param pos: The queried position on the chromosome. :returns: True if the position was found and the cursor moved, False if the queried chromosome, position wasn't found. :rtype: bool """ # Type checks for the parameters. chrom = str(chrom) if chrom.startswith("chr"): chrom = chrom[3:] pos = int(pos) info, index = index # Encode the locus. chrom_code = info["chrom_codes"].get(str(chrom)) if chrom_code is None: raise ChromosomeNotIndexed( "Chromosome '{}' is not in the index.".format(chrom) ) code = chrom_code * MAGIC_NUMBER + pos logging.debug("Looking for code: {}".format(code)) # Find the boundaries for the locus. boundary = bisect.bisect_left(index[:, 0], code) # The hit is at the end of the index. if boundary == index.shape[0]: logging.debug("Looking from the end of the index.") return goto_fine(f, chrom, pos, index[-1][1], float("+infinity"), info) if index[boundary, 0] == code: # We got a direct hit. logging.debug("Direct hit on locus.")[boundary, 1]) return True # We always index the first position, so nothing should come before unless # it's a direct hit. if boundary == 0: logging.debug("Locus before first index.") left = index[boundary - 1, 1] left_code = index[boundary, 0] try: right = index[boundary + 1, 1] right_code = index[boundary + 1, 0] except IndexError: right = float("+infinity") # Right boundary not in index, use the EOF. right_code = float("+infinity") logging.debug("Found boundaries: {}:{} and {}:{}. Using linear search to " "find the exact position.".format(left_code, left, right_code, right)) return goto_fine(f, chrom, pos, left, right, info)
def goto_fine(f, chrom, pos, left, right, info): # Go to the start of the plausible region. # Bind some parameters to the line parser. get_locus = functools.partial( _get_locus, chrom_col=info["chrom_col"], pos_col=info["pos_col"], delimiter=info["delimiter"], ) # Iterate through the file. while True: here = f.tell() try: this_chrom, this_pos = get_locus(f.readline()) # We got it! if this_chrom == chrom and this_pos == pos: return True except EndOfFile: logging.debug("Reached end of file without finding the locus.") return False if here > right: logging.debug("Didn't find the locus before the right boundary.") return False def _get_index_fn(fn): """Generates the index filename from the path to the indexed file. :param fn: The name of the file to index. :type fn: str """ if not os.path.isfile(fn): raise Exception("File '{}' does not exist.".format( fn )) return os.path.abspath("{}.gtidx".format(fn))